Predictions about the future are complicated by all of the following EXCEPT:

Predictions about the future are complicated by all of the following EXCEPT:

(A) the simultaneous existence of contradictory trends.
(B) profound changes in the preceding century.
(C) the lack of complex models.
(D) the widespread tendency in the 21st century to abandon cultural traditions.
(E) the vastness of the world economy

Answer: D

The greenhouse effect is best described as:

The greenhouse effect is best described as:

(A) the devastating reduction of rainforests.
(B) rising levels of chlorofluorocarbons.
(C) rising global temperatures caused by atmospheric buildup of gases.
(D) global shifts in wildlife patterns.
(E) extensive spread of industrial pollutants.

Answer: C

Global environmental issues include

Global environmental issues include

(A) over-exploitation of key resources.
(B) air pollution that has reached critical levels.
(C) global warming.
(D) A and B.
(E) all of the above.

Answer: E

Religious fundamentalism is always

Religious fundamentalism is always

(A) Muslim.
(B) accompanied by suppression of opposing religious groups.
(C) Christian.
(D) Hindu.
(E) an attempt to return to primary texts or traditions

Answer: E

What factors tend to limit cultural globalization?

What factors tend to limit cultural globalization?

(A) regional variations in taste and regional values
(B) increasing isolation of emergent nations
(C) poor communication between world areas
(D) ecumenical religious movements
(E) all of the above

Answer: A

What best describes new social patterns brought by globalization?

What best describes new social patterns brought by globalization?

(A) Migration between rich and poor countries has increased.
(B) International migration has emerged for the first time.
(C) Globally, gaps between the rich and poor seem to be closing.
(D) Declining birth rates in developing nations have left them at a disadvantage.
(E) Low-birth rate countries have encouraged immigration.

Answer: A

Resistance to globalization includes all of the following EXCEPT:

Resistance to globalization includes all of the following EXCEPT:

(A) rising nationalism in some areas.
(B) large-scale protests.
(C) state support for local traditions.
(D) a global ban on outsourcing.
(E) religious fundamentalism.

Answer: D

Globalization has been accompanied by

Globalization has been accompanied by

(A) re-imposition of mercantilist strategies.
(B) the entry of all the world's nations into the global market.
(C) ending of ethnic hostilities.
(D) the spread of English as an international language.
(E) greater isolation among competing scientists.

Answer: D

What development led to the explosion of electronic communication in the 1990s?

What development led to the explosion of electronic communication in the 1990s?

a. Technology advances made communications devices, smaller, cheaper, and better
b. Education systems around the world taught people how to use the devices.
c. Many nations implemented huge programs to advance Internet, satellite, and cellular communication.
d. Governments in many nations relaxed their censorship of ideas and communication.
e. Religious and cultural resistance to globalization virtually disappeared.

Answer: A

Which of the following is NOT a new development regarding the globalization of the Earth?

Which of the following is NOT a new development regarding the globalization of the Earth?

a. The end of the cold war and new types of international relations
b. The adjustment of peoples everywhere to the notion of global communications
c. Advances in creating a prototype universal language
d. Advanced technical developments
e. The rise of easy transmission of money

Answer: C

Which of the following is NOT an issue raised against economic globalization?

Which of the following is NOT an issue raised against economic globalization?

a. Rampant consumerism destroys cultural values
b. Damage to labor conditions through use of cheap workers
c. The pace of expansion is too slow
d. Damage to the environment
e. The pace of expansion is too rapid

Answer: C

Which of the following was NOT a concern within the former Soviet Union?

Which of the following was NOT a concern within the former Soviet Union?

a. Economic coordination between planners and processes
b. Control of the military and intelligence services
c. Nuclear control issues regarding weapons
d. Direct invasion by the West
e. Relationships between the former Soviet states

Answer: D

The role of the United States as sole superpower has been challenged by all of the following EXCEPT:

The role of the United States as sole superpower has been challenged by all of the following EXCEPT:

(A) U.N. resolutions criticizing United States interventions.
(B) lack of consensus within the U.S. concerning overseas involvement.
(C) reduced U.S. military spending.
(D) tentative coalitions between other world powers.
(E) terrorist activity

Answer: C

The former Soviet Union gave way to the

The former Soviet Union gave way to the

a. Commonwealth of Independent States.
b. European Union.
c. Soviet Commonwealth.
d. United States of Russia.
e. Russian Commonwealth.

Answer: A

All of the following were reforms of Mikhail Gorbachev EXCEPT

All of the following were reforms of Mikhail Gorbachev EXCEPT

a. the division of the Soviet Union into its original states.
b. encouraging more decentralized decision making.
c. relaxation of media restrictions.
d. the reduction of nuclear arms.
e. the ending of the Soviet-Afghani war.

Answer: A

In protest against the 1979 invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union, the U.S.

In protest against the 1979 invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union, the U.S.

a. invaded Iraq, a staunch ally of the Soviet Union
b. boycotted the 1980 Moscow Olympics.
c. organized an anti-Soviet alliance centered around Iraq and Iran.
d. threatened nuclear war and sent aircraft carriers to the Mediterranean.
e. boycotted the United Nations until the Soviets withdrew.

Answer: B

Which of the following did not occur as a part of significant change in Chinese policy in the late 1970s?

Which of the following did not occur as a part of significant change in Chinese policy in the late 1970s?

a. The decision to allow managers to make economic decisions
b. The decision to allow competitive free enterprise within China
c. The decision to participate in the world economy
d. The decision to admit more market forces into China
e. The decision to relax political controls

Answer: E

The term perestroika refers to

The term perestroika refers to

a. economic restructuring and more leeway for private ownership.
b. a new freedom to comment and criticize the Soviet government.
c. the establishment of a liberal democracy.
d. an attempt by the Soviet leadership to allow non-communists to manage the economy.
e. the Soviet space program.

Answer: A