a. Bismarck had lost favor with the people
b. William II wanted no rivals
c. Bismarck had falsified William's telegram to the French ambassador
d. William II wanted a stronger military leader
In the 1830s, Prussia created a union called the Zollverein, which promoted German unity by
a. establishing German as the official language
b. establishing Federick William IV as king of a united German state
c. removing tariff barriers between German states
d. banding together to fight Napoleon's invading forces
Which of the following was an advantage of the colonists in the American Revolution?
a. large money resources for military supplies
b. a large number of trained soldiers
c. allies among Native Americans and enslaved people
d. diverse geography
a. compiled classical Greek and Roman works
b. spread Enlightenment ideas
c. was the first publication printed with moveable type
d. was the first publication to include articles by women
The Battle of Saratoga marked a turning point in the American Revolution because
a. it was the first American defeat in the war
b. the American victory convinced France to support the Revolution
c. it caused the British to sign the Treaty of Paris
d. the French fleet helped the Americans triumph
In the Declaration of Pillnitz, the the king of Prussia and emperor of Austria
a. declared war on the French revolutionaries
b. declared their support for the French Revolution
c. threatened to intervene to protect the French monarchy
d. offered to take in the exiled French royal family
Which of the following were writers of the realism movement?
a. Edgar Degas and Georges Seurat
b. William Wordsworth and Percy Bysshe Shelley
c. Gustave Courbet and Thomas Eakins
d. Charles Dickens and Victor Hugo
What contribution to medical science did German doctor Robert Koch make in the 1880s?
a. He identified the bacteria that causes tuberculosis
b. He traced malaria to the mosquito
c. He developed a process called pasteurization
d. He developed a cure for yellow fever
Englishman John Dalton made an important breakthrough in chemistry by showing that
a. atoms exist within the periodic table
b. all atoms are basically alike
c. each elements has its own kind of atoms
d. elements can be grouped according to their atomic weights