All land in the Inca state

All land in the Inca state

(A) belonged to the priests.
(B) was owned by merchants and traders.
(C) belonged to the oldest woman of the family.
(D) was owned by those who worked the land.
(E) was owned by the state but assigned and redistributed to others.

Answer: E

One reason offered for the expansion of the Inca state was

One reason offered for the expansion of the Inca state was

(A) a need for humans to sacrifice to the state gods.
(B) overpopulation and the need for new crop land.
(C) each new Inca ruler had to secure new land and wealth for himself.
(D) changing environment and climate that drove the Incas from their homeland.
(E) superior technologies made it easy for the Incas to conquer other peoples.

Answer: C

Demographic evidence of the Aztec Empire around 1500 C.E. indicates

Demographic evidence of the Aztec Empire around 1500 C.E. indicates

(A) a falling population base when the Europeans arrived.
(B) decreasing birthrates.
(C) women outnumbered men due to the loses during the frequent wars.
(D) most Aztecs lived in cities.
(E) an extremely high population density

Answer: E

Because of their level of technological development, Aztec work and production

Because of their level of technological development, Aztec work and production

(A) relied heavily on tools and machines.
(B) relied heavily on the physical labor of humans.
(C) utilized domesticated beasts of burden extensively.
(D) richly rewarded intellectual invention and innovation.
(E) were performed by slaves and conquered or tributary states.

Answer: B

In order to supply food to Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs

In order to supply food to Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs

(A) obtained food through tribute from conquered city-states.
(B) relied largely on trade for foodstuffs.
(C) used slave labor.
(D) built floating agricultural islands on the lake.
(E) filled in Lake Texcoco to obtain agricultural lands.

Answer: D

For the Mesoamericans of the Aztec period, religion

For the Mesoamericans of the Aztec period, religion

(A) was increasingly monotheistic.
(B) developed into idealistic philosophies and intellectual discussions.
(C) taught that humans should live ethical, moral lives.
(D) declined and atheism began to spread widely.
(E) was oppressive and made little distinction between the sacred and secular.

Answer: E

Although later civilizations in Mesoamerica borrowed and built on the previous accomplishments of the Olmecs and Maya, later civilizations

Although later civilizations in Mesoamerica borrowed and built on the previous accomplishments of the Olmecs and Maya, later civilizations

(A) were not as war-like as their predecessors had been.
(B) rarely surpassed their intellectual predecessors.
(C) failed to improve on the political institutions and types of Olmec and Maya states.
(D) abandoned polytheism in favor of monotheism.
(E) abandoned trade.

Answer: B

What was the relationship between the Toltecs and their predecessors in central Mexico?

What was the relationship between the Toltecs and their predecessors in central Mexico?

a. The former residents of central Mexico were wiped out during the Toltec invasions.
b. The Toltec rejected all economic and social practices but did use similar religious practices.
c. The Toltecs adopted many cultural features from their predecessors to which they added a strong military ethic and human sacrifice.
d. The Toltecs adopted the animistic religion of their predecessors, but failed to develop cities or ceremonial centers.
e. The entry of the Toltecs into central Mexico marks an abrupt break in the cultural development of the region.

Answer: C

What was the Andean principle of inheritance?

What was the Andean principle of inheritance?

a. Everything passing to the monarch
b. Parallel descent: women passed rights and property to daughters, men to sons
c. Extended family split inheritances evenly
d. Matrilineal, inheritance passing in the female line
e. Patrilineal, inheritance passing in the male line

Answer: B

Which of the following existed in the Aztec empire, but NOT in the Inca empire?

Which of the following existed in the Aztec empire, but NOT in the Inca empire?

a. A tribute system
b. Redistribution of tribute by the state
c. Recognition of local groups and leaders
d. An extensive merchant class
e. Extraction of labor for use on temple projects

Answer: D

Which of the following views of the Aztec practice of human sacrifice can be associated with Marvin Harris's interpretation of the "cannibal kingdom"?

Which of the following views of the Aztec practice of human sacrifice can be associated with Marvin Harris's interpretation of the "cannibal kingdom"?

a. It was immoral and unnecessary and was a waste of economic resources.
b. It was an essentially religious act central to their belief that humans must sacrifice that which was most precious to them in order to receive the sun, rain, and other blessings.
c. The incidence of human sacrifice was grossly exaggerated by the Spanish for political purposes.
d. It was the intentional manipulation of a traditional practice to terrorize their neighbors and to keep the lower classes subordinate.
e. It was a response to the lack of available protein in the form of large mammals.

Answer: E

Which of the following statements about the population of the Americas is most true?

Which of the following statements about the population of the Americas is most true?

a. Most estimates are approximately the same.
b. The early 20th-century estimate of 8.4 million still seems the most accurate.
c. The population of the Americas is easy to calculate.
d. North America was more densely populated than Mesoamerica or the Andes.
e. The population estimates of the Americas continue to be revised upward.

Answer: E

The Toltec capital was established at

The Toltec capital was established at

a. Tlotelolco.
b. Tenochtitlan.
c. Twantinsuyu.
d. Tula.
e. Teotihuacan.

Answer: D

Which of the following was utilized in the Inca empire, but NOT by the Aztecs?

Which of the following was utilized in the Inca empire, but NOT by the Aztecs?

a. Elaborate road systems
b. Use of local rulers in exchange for recognition of sovereignty
c. Extensive use of colonization
d. Identification of the nobility with the administrative and military functions of the state
e. A semi-divine emperor

Answer: C

The modern image of the Inca empire as a carefully organized system in which every community collectively contributed to the whole and the state regulated the distribution of resources on the basis of need is referred to as

The modern image of the Inca empire as a carefully organized system in which every community collectively contributed to the whole and the state regulated the distribution of resources on the basis of need is referred to as

a. utopian positivism.
b. Mesoamerican capitalism.
c. Inca despotism.
d. Inca socialism.
e. Indian utilitarianism.

Answer: D

The capital of the Inca empire was

The capital of the Inca empire was

a. Chan Chan.
b. Cajamarca.
c. Chichen Itza.
d. Tihuanaco.
e. Cuzco.

Answer: E

Which of the following is NOT true of the Aztec view of marriage and the family?

Which of the following is NOT true of the Aztec view of marriage and the family?

a. Virginity at marriage was highly regarded for young women.
b. Mayeques rarely married into noble families.
c. Polygamy was common throughout society.
d. Marriages were often arranged between lineages.
e. Young girls were often trained by the older women of the calpulli.

Answer: C

Which of the following statements concerning the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan is NOT accurate?

Which of the following statements concerning the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan is NOT accurate?

a. It was built on an island in the middle of a lake.
b. It and Cuzco shared a similar geography in that both cities were located on a lake.
c. The city was divided into more than 60 wards controlled by kinship groups.
d. By 1519 it probably had a population of about 150,000.
e. Unlike other Mesoamerican cities it lacked a temple complex.

Answer: E

Which of the following did NOT occur as a result of the Aztec rise to power?

Which of the following did NOT occur as a result of the Aztec rise to power?

a. The emergence of a ruler with supreme powers
b. The abandonment of human sacrifice
c. A highly urbanized society
d. The increasing dominance of the nobility
e. The subsequent expansion of power and the boundaries of Aztec control

Answer: B

Which of the following does NOT represent a characteristic of most Indian societies other than the Andean and Mesoamerican civilizations?

Which of the following does NOT represent a characteristic of most Indian societies other than the Andean and Mesoamerican civilizations?

a. Highly urbanized populations
b. Important social and political roles for women
c. Wealth as the basis of social ranking
d. Strongly kin-based societies
e. Communal action and ownership of resources

Answer: C

Which of the following was NOT a function of the Aztec kinship groups?

Which of the following was NOT a function of the Aztec kinship groups?

a. Organizing military units for warfare
b. Maintaining temples and schools
c. Distributing land to household heads
d. Organizing labor units for state service
e. Assignment of people to cult groups

Answer: E

While the position of Aztec women in many ways paralleled that of women in other civilizations at a similar stage of development, what was the significant difference between the lives of women in Mesoamerica and in the Mediterranean world?

While the position of Aztec women in many ways paralleled that of women in other civilizations at a similar stage of development, what was the significant difference between the lives of women in Mesoamerica and in the Mediterranean world?

a. Women in Mesoamerica participated fully in the military.
b. There was no polygamy practiced in Mesoamerica.
c. Peasant women were more highly educated in Mesoamerica.
d. Aztec women were unable to inherit or to pass property on to heirs.
e. Aztec women had to spend many more hours grinding grain for food.

Answer: E

Tambos were

Tambos were

a. way stations along roads in the Inca empire.
b. knotted strings used for record keeping.
c. labor turns exacted by the Inca authorities.
d. the Aztec term for local rulers.
e. mountain passes found in the Andes.

Answer: A

What was the nature of the Aztec economy?

What was the nature of the Aztec economy?

a. The Aztec state redistributed many goods received as tribute and there was a specialized merchant class.
b. The Aztecs developed a free-market economy in which all trade was in the hands of specialized merchants.
c. The Aztecs failed to develop a merchant class, so all distribution of goods was carried out by the state.
d. The Aztec traded the entire length of the inhabited Pacific coast as far south as the Inca empire.
e. There was little trade within Aztec society, as almost all communities were self-sufficient.

Answer: A

During the post classical period, societies in the Americas

During the post classical period, societies in the Americas

a. were united under a single government.
b. experienced the initial contacts that led to the European invasion of the New World.
c. abandoned Central America and migrated northward.
d. failed to develop imperial forms of government similar to European society.
e. remained entirely separate from those of the Old World.

Answer: E

What was the impact of expansion and conquest on the Aztec social system?

What was the impact of expansion and conquest on the Aztec social system?

a. Conquest opened up Aztec society to incursions by the indigenous peoples who began to form a trained bureaucracy.
b. Aztec social institutions became more inclusive leading to a more egalitarian society.
c. Aztec society was transformed in the sense that the Mexicans adopted the social patterns of the Maya.
d. From a loose association of clans, Aztec society became a highly stratified society.
e. Despite the stress of warfare and invasion, the Aztec society remained remarkably unchanged by the process.

Answer: D

What was the primary difference in the political situation between the Mesoamerican and Andean zones following the breakup of the classical states?

What was the primary difference in the political situation between the Mesoamerican and Andean zones following the breakup of the classical states?

a. In the Andean zones a number of relatively large states continued to be important, rather than the breakdown of power that was typical of Mesoamerica.
b. The transition of power that took place in the Andean zone was accomplished by invasion from outside the region.
c. The Andean region was more compact and therefore quickly reunited under the leadership of the Inca.
d. In Mesoamerica there was no real political decline as new peoples simply took over the institutions of their predecessors.
e. The Andean political experience lacked the militaristic overtones that accompanied the breakdown of power in Mesoamerica.

Answer: A

Which of the following statements concerning Aztec religion is most accurate?

Which of the following statements concerning Aztec religion is most accurate?

a. Aztec deities were numerous and had different forms or manifestations somewhat like the avatars of the Hindu deities.
b. There was little or no animism in the religious world of the Aztecs.
c. Tonatiuh and Tezcatlipoca became the paramount gods along with Nezahualcoyotl.
d. Shortly after establishing their empire, the Aztecs abandoned all gods other than their patron, Huitzilopochtli.
e. Aztec deities were normally associated only with male forms.

Answer: A

The Inca nobility were

The Inca nobility were

a. drawn from the noble ayllus of the conquered population.
b. not distinguished from the commoners by appearance or dress.
c. drawn from 10 royal ayllus and the city of Cuzco.
d. often commoners who distinguished themselves in battle.
e. lower in status to the yanas and the priest class.

Answer: C

What was the nature of the Aztec administration of subject territories?

What was the nature of the Aztec administration of subject territories?

a. All territories conquered by the Aztecs became part of a singular administration run by a trained bureaucracy located in Tenochtitlan, much like the Byzantine Empire.
b. Aztecs rarely collected tribute from subject territories but did take hostages for human sacrifice.
c. The Aztecs placed members of the Aztec nobility as rulers over subject peoples.
d. The Aztecs established a military administration with subject territories controlled by regional generals.
e. Conquered territories were often left relatively unchanged under their old rulers as long as they recognized Aztec supremacy and paid tribute.

Answer: E

What was the Inca practice of split inheritance?

What was the Inca practice of split inheritance?

a. All power and wealth was inherited by the eldest son but religious leadership fell to the youngest daughter.
b. All political power and titles went to the ruler's successor, but his wealth was kept in the hands of the male descendants to support the cult of the dead Inca's mummy.
c. On the death of the previous ruler, the family's wealth was equally divided among all male heirs.
d. On the death of the previous ruler, the inheritance passed through the family of the senior wife to her oldest brother.
e. On the death of the previous ruler, the throne passed to two descendants from the ruler's family.

Answer: B

What was the Aztec view of history?

What was the Aztec view of history?

a. Because they lacked a calendar system, the Aztecs had no formal historical viewpoint.
b. They believed in a linear view of history dedicated to the premise of Aztec superiority for eternity.
c. They believed in a linear history ending with their total destruction at the hands of the people from the East.
d. Like other Mesoamerican peoples, the Aztecs believed in a cyclical pattern of repetitive destructions of the world.
e. Unlike other Mesoamerican peoples, the Aztecs rejected the cyclical view of history for a more modern historical view based on the history of their empire.

Answer: D

By 1500, agriculture was

By 1500, agriculture was

a. practiced in sedentary communities and by nomadic pastoralists throughout the Americas.
b. virtually unknown outside of the Andean and Mesoamerican civilization zones.
c. largely diffused throughout the Americas, although not always in sedentary agricultural communities.
d. practiced in sedentary communities throughout the Americas.
e. practiced sparingly inside Mesoamerica but was used extensively in regions such as the Mississippi.

Answer: C

How did the Aztecs view the cultural achievements of the Toltecs?

How did the Aztecs view the cultural achievements of the Toltecs?

a. As heretics, who practiced a forbidden religion
b. As slaves, fit only for conquest
c. As the givers of civilization
d. As barbarians who lacked culture
e. The Toltec culture was unknown to the Aztecs

Answer: C

What do the authors suggest was the principal reason for Inca conquest and expansion?

What do the authors suggest was the principal reason for Inca conquest and expansion?

a. The existence of long-distance trade merchants within the imperial administration
b. The absence of irrigation systems within the Inca empire
c. The practice of split inheritance
d. The cult of the sun
e. Their need for human sacrificial victims

Answer: C

In terms of the integration of a centralized empire, how did the Incas and Aztecs compare?

In terms of the integration of a centralized empire, how did the Incas and Aztecs compare?

a. To create their empires both allowed little variation from region to region and city to city.
b. Both the Incas and the Aztecs created fully integrated empires complete with central bureaucracies and military administrative units that controlled all conquered regions.
c. The Incas attempted to create an over-arching political state and made conscious attempts to integrate their empire as a unit, while the Aztecs did less in this regard.
d. The Aztecs were more advanced than the Incas in consolidating their government into an integrated unit.
e. The Aztecs and Incas both made little attempt to integrate conquered territories and permitted self-rule in return for loyalty and tribute.

Answer: C

Although western society was not as tolerant of merchants as were Muslim and Indian societies,

Although western society was not as tolerant of merchants as were Muslim and Indian societies,

(A) weak governments allowed merchants to assert considerable power in semi-independent trading cities.
(B) the Roman Catholic Church encouraged profits.
(C) western merchants amassed greater lated trade or commerce.
(E) Christian merchants married easily into the aristocratic elites.

Answer: A

The Hanseatic League is an example of

The Hanseatic League is an example of

(A) a guild.
(B) a military triumvirate.
(C) a commercial alliance.
(D) the growth of cultural institutions in the late Middle Ages.
(E) the educational collaboration of the era.

Answer: C
Many scholars in the Middle Ages

(A) disputed Biblical writings.
(B) attempted to assimilate Christian faith with Greek philosophy and reason.
(C) organized themselves into guilds.
(D) increased conflict with the church, which protected the serfs.
(E) advocated against slavery

Answer: B

The major lasting result of the Crusades was the

The major lasting result of the Crusades was the

(A) conversion of eastern Europe to Roman Catholicism.
(B) establishment of cultural and economic contacts between western Europe and the Middle East.
(C) conquest of the Holy Land and Jerusalem.
(D) destruction of the European nobility and military class.
(E) creation of a new Holy Roman Empire ruling many Mediterranean lands.

Answer: B

Medieval universities and schools

Medieval universities and schools

(A) were established to train bureaucrats to run the government.
(B) were hesitant to study the Greek classics and Arab sciences.
(C) trained students mainly in theology, medicine, and law.
(D) arose in rural settings around the larger, more famous monasteries.
(E) welcomed members of all classes including women, provided they passed the entrance exams.

Answer: C

After the collapse of Charlemagne's empire, the pattern of political life in western Europe

After the collapse of Charlemagne's empire, the pattern of political life in western Europe

(A) was dominated by the strong empire, that his sons and heirs established.
(B) was modeled on the Byzantine Empire.
(C) returned to small tribes and clans with regional or local loyalties.
(D) focused on religious control of states and politics.
(E) consisted of regional monarchies with strong aristocracies

Answer: E

Serfs differed from slaves in that

Serfs differed from slaves in that

(A) serfs were largely commercialized artisans while slaves were agricultural.
(B) serfs were ethnically Europeans while slaves were Muslims, pagans, and Africans.
(C) they could not be bought or sold, and owned some of the land they farmed.
(D) serfs could serve in the military, while slaves could not.
(E) slaves frequently were better educated and lived in towns.

Answer: C

Manorialism was characterized by all of these conditions EXCEPT:

Manorialism was characterized by all of these conditions EXCEPT:

(A) most peasants were serfs.
(B) manors and peasants depended on merchants for most necessities.
(C) peasants were obligated to give their lord a portion of their produce.
(D) the lords protected the peasants.
(E) levels of production and technology were low and limited.

Answer: B

During the Middle Ages, effective political and military power in Europe was

During the Middle Ages, effective political and military power in Europe was

(A) wielded by the Roman Catholic church.
(B) the domain of the national monarch such as the King of France.
(C) local in nature with regional aristocrats holding the greatest influence.
(D) furnished by mercenary armies supported by the rich towns and cities.
(E) shared by the peasants, urban dwellers, and the church.

Answer: C

The period known as the Middle Ages in Europe

The period known as the Middle Ages in Europe

(A) was an era in which European culture and civilization dominated the Mediterranean region.
(B) was a period of isolation and stagnation for European society.
(C) began with feudal kings in control and ended with the Roman Catholic church the dominant power in Europe.
(D) began with the fall of Rome and ended with the decline of Europe's feudal and religious institutions.
(E) saw Christianity confined to a few lands in western Europe.

Answer: D

As had Hammurabi's Code (Mesopotamia), Justinian's Code (Byzantine)

As had Hammurabi's Code (Mesopotamia), Justinian's Code (Byzantine)

a. led to internal disruptions and faced harsh opposition
b. dealt primarily with church law and religious issues
c. deviated sharply from previous legal traditions
d. became the basic law code for his state, and influenced future law codes
e. greatly influenced the laws of Islam

Answer: D

In what way was the educational system of the medieval West different from that of China?

In what way was the educational system of the medieval West different from that of China?

a. The universities were not tied into a single bureaucratic system.
b. The West abandoned its classical heritage.
c. University education was secular-based.
d. The West lacked a formal system of education.
e. In the West, there were no state bureaucracies to hire university graduates.

Answer: A

Which of the following developments was NOT a result of the improved economy of the High Middle Ages?

Which of the following developments was NOT a result of the improved economy of the High Middle Ages?

a. A money economy began to replace the traditional barter system used throughout western Europe.
b. Urban growth allowed more specialized manufacturing and commercial activities, including banking.
c. Rising trade permitted the redevelopment of commerce within the Mediterranean and beyond.
d. Some peasants were able to throw off the most severe constraints of manorialism, becoming almost free farmers.
e. Conflicts between peasants and the landlords became rare, if they did not disappear altogether.

Answer: E

All of the following were functions of the merchant and artisan guilds EXCEPT

All of the following were functions of the merchant and artisan guilds EXCEPT

a. guaranteeing good workmanship in their products.
b. limitation of membership.
c. giving its members an equal share in resources.
d. regulation of apprenticeship.
e. ensuring a free-market economy.

Answer: E

Which of the following statements about feudalism is most accurate?

Which of the following statements about feudalism is most accurate?

a. Although it inhibited the development of strong central states, some kings were able to use feudalism to build their own power.
b. Feudalism produced centralized monarchies by the 8th century.
c. Although it provided initial political stability, feudalism was rapidly replaced by a western European imperial system.
d. Feudalism represented only a brief, and largely unsatisfactory, attempt to create political stability in western Europe.
e. Feudalism caused rapid economic gains in all parts of Europe including England.

Answer: A

Which of the following was NOT true of the career of Jacques Coeur?

Which of the following was NOT true of the career of Jacques Coeur?

a. He used his wealth to arrange for his 16-year-old son to become an archbishop.
b. He had the largest fleet ever owned by a French subject.
c. He was tortured, admitted to various crimes, and had his property confiscated.
d. Coeur built an elaborate palace at Bourges.
e. He died a rich and honored advisor to the king of France.

Answer: E

Benedict of Nursia was responsible for what accomplishment in the 6th century?

Benedict of Nursia was responsible for what accomplishment in the 6th century?

a. The creation of a set of rules for monasteries
b. The banning of lay investiture among kings
c. Victory over the Muslims at Tours
d. The conquest of Constantinople
e. The conversion of the Franks in 596

Answer: A

Which of the following statements concerning the impact of Christianity on polytheistic religions in western Europe is most accurate?

Which of the following statements concerning the impact of Christianity on polytheistic religions in western Europe is most accurate?

a. Few polytheistic religions existed in Europe during the Middle Ages, but their influences grew.
b. Small islands of polytheistic belief remained, but most Europeans converted from polytheistic faiths in the initial post-classical centuries.
c. Although Christianity made inroads, many areas of Europe retained polytheistic beliefs and rejected the new religion.
d. Christianity eradicated all traces of those earlier religions as the new religion became universal in western Europe.
e. The process of conversion produced a religious blend in which beliefs in magic and supernatural spirits coexisted with Christianity.

Answer: E

Pope Gregory VII decreed the practice of investiture invalid. What was investiture?

Pope Gregory VII decreed the practice of investiture invalid. What was investiture?

a. The practice of state appointment of bishops
b. The practice of trying clerics in secular courts
c. The practice whereby aristocrats dressed in bishops' robes and attempted to rule in their place
d. Loaning money at excessive interest to the church
e. The state's power to tax the clergy

Answer: A

What belief did the conversion of Germanic kings create among Western religious leaders, particularly the pope?

What belief did the conversion of Germanic kings create among Western religious leaders, particularly the pope?

a. That the Church was subordinate to the secular monarchs
b. That such conversion represented a danger to the papal hierarchy
c. That the Church was superior to the secular rulers
d. That the church should fear powerful kings
e. That the Church should avoid conversion of northern Germanic kings

Answer: C

Which of the following did NOT occur as a result of the Crusades?

Which of the following did NOT occur as a result of the Crusades?

a. The Crusades demonstrated a new Western superiority in the wider world.
b. The Crusades helped to open the West to new cultural and economic influences from the Middle East.
c. As far as the Muslims were concerned, the Crusades had little impact on the Islamic world
d. The Fourth Crusade resulted in the temporary conquest of Constantinople.
e. The Kingdom of Jerusalem was established and controlled by the West for nearly a century in the Holy Land.

Answer: A

Which of the following was NOT a positive development that introduced new sources of strength by the 9th and 10th centuries to western Europe?

Which of the following was NOT a positive development that introduced new sources of strength by the 9th and 10th centuries to western Europe?

a. Towns served as trade centers
b. New agricultural techniques
c. Greater regional political stability
d. Development of imperial government
e. End of Viking raids

Answer: D

Which of the following was NOT a threat to the sources of Western vitality at the end of the Middle Ages?

Which of the following was NOT a threat to the sources of Western vitality at the end of the Middle Ages?

a. The economic tail-spin and impending depression
b. The Black Death
c. Manufacturing and technology developed more quickly
d. The increasing inability of agriculture to keep pace with population growth
e. New social disputes, involving both peasants and landlords and artisans and their employees.

Answer: A

How did the introduction of feudal monarchy into England compare to the political experience of France?

How did the introduction of feudal monarchy into England compare to the political experience of France?

a. English feudal monarchy developed more gradually and slowly in response to the improving economy.
b. England never developed a strong feudal monarchy similar to what happened in France.
c. French feudal monarchy arose almost immediately in the 10th century as a result of the defeat of the Normans.
d. English feudal monarchy was introduced abruptly following 1066, while French feudal monarchy developed more slowly.
e. France failed to develop feudal monarchy until the 15th century unlike England.

Answer: D

Which of the following statements about the manorial system is NOT true?

Which of the following statements about the manorial system is NOT true?

a. It had originated in the Roman Empire.
b. Its obligations bore heavily on serfs.
c. It was technologically sophisticated.
d. Agricultural productivity was low.
e. It was practically self-sufficient.

Answer: C

The moldboard was

The moldboard was

a. a technological innovation, a plow that allowed deeper turning of the soil.
b. a technological innovation, a water-driven mill for grinding grain.
c. a nickname for the first school established by Charles Martel in France.
d. the peasant council that determined the division of land and labor in a peasant village.
e. a system of justice common to the manorial regime of the medieval West.

Answer: A

Which of the following was NOT a power of the papacy immediately after 500?

Which of the following was NOT a power of the papacy immediately after 500?

a. Sponsorship of missionary activity
b. Excommunication
c. The ability to send directives and receive information
d. The appointment of all bishops
e. Regulation of doctrine or dogma

Answer: D

In what way was the educational system of the medieval West different from that of China?

In what way was the educational system of the medieval West different from that of China?

a. The universities were not tied into a single bureaucratic system.
b. University education was secular-based.
c. In the West, there were no state bureaucracies to hire university graduates.
d. The West abandoned its classical heritage.
e. The West lacked a formal system of education.

Answer: A

What was the impact of the improved economy after the 10th century on the social system of western Europe?

What was the impact of the improved economy after the 10th century on the social system of western Europe?

a. The merchants lost considerable power to the monarchs.
b. The improvements in the agricultural system retarded the development of towns and restricted social mobility.
c. Despite the improved economy, the rigid social system associated with feudalism continued to dominate western Europe.
d. Harsh serfdom became the rule throughout western Europe.
e. The increased pace of economic life created a less rigid structure.

Answer: E

Which of the following statements concerning the intellectual activity of the medieval West prior to the 8th century is most accurate?

Which of the following statements concerning the intellectual activity of the medieval West prior to the 8th century is most accurate?

a. Universities rapidly created a new intellectual climate in which logic was applied to matters of Christian doctrine.
b. All literacy and contact with the ancient culture was lost in the centuries following the fall of Rome.
c. Western scholars achieved more during this period than their Islamic counterparts.
d. Classical rational traditions were actively united with Christian mysticism to carve out a new intellectual world.
e. With the few literate people concentrated in monasteries, little was achieved other than copying older manuscripts.

Answer: E

Which of the following statements concerning the three-field rotation system is most accurate?

Which of the following statements concerning the three-field rotation system is most accurate?

a. The three-field system removed fallow fields and replaced them with nitrogen-bearing crops.
b. The three-field system was rapidly replaced after the 8th century by the two-field system that offered greater flexibility in terms of crop rotation.
c. It represented a net increase in productivity where it was used because although crops were rotated, no fields were left fallow.
d. The three-field system removed more land from production than before by reserving one-third for fallow.
e. Introduced in the 8th century, the three-field rotation left a third of the land unplanted to regain fertility.

Answer: E

Which of the following was NOT a benefit of the monastic movement in western Europe?

Which of the following was NOT a benefit of the monastic movement in western Europe?

a. Their political organization provided the foundation for the political order established in France, Germany, and England.
b. Monks exemplified holy lives for church members and church leadership.
c. By copying ancient texts, monks preserved classical culture for later intellectual inquiry.
d. Many monasteries helped improve the cultivation of the land.
e. They disciplined the intense spirituality of the medieval West in order to promote Christian unity.

Answer: A

Which of the following was a result of the Hundred Years War during the 14th and 15th centuries?

Which of the following was a result of the Hundred Years War during the 14th and 15th centuries?

a. An English victory, but only after an invasion of France by Richard the Lionhearted
b. Physical destruction of both France and England, with loss of trade as well
c. Mounted knights continued their dominance over foot soldiers and archers
d. Major battles resulted in enormous loss of life over the course of the war
e. Kings reduced their reliance on feudal forces in favor of paid armies

Answer: E

Which of the following statements concerning the medieval economy is most true?

Which of the following statements concerning the medieval economy is most true?

a. Medieval economics, overall, tended to discourage merchant activity and technical innovation.
b. Medieval economics was a combination of capitalistic and feudal practices
c. Medieval economic thought and practice was of no consequence to later Western economic thinkers and actors.
d. Medieval economic systems were based on global trade with China and India.
e. Medieval economics simply repeated the thought and practice of earlier economic thinkers.

Answer: B

Which of the following statements concerning the agricultural laborers of the medieval West is NOT true?

Which of the following statements concerning the agricultural laborers of the medieval West is NOT true?

a. They received protection and the administration of justice from their landlords.
b. They were obligated to turn over part of their goods to remain on the land.
c. They had heavy obligations to their lords.
d. They could be bought and sold by their landlords.
e. They retained essential ownership of their houses.

Answer: D

Which of the following was NOT typical of the challenges to typical medieval institutions in the 15th century?

Which of the following was NOT typical of the challenges to typical medieval institutions in the 15th century?

a. A single imperial government replaced the smaller kingdoms of the Middle Ages
b. The medieval intellectual and artistic synthesis was breaking down
c. The landowning aristocracy lost its dominance as the chief military force
d. The balance between church and state began to favor the dominance of the state
e. Parliaments limited the power of kings and provided major support to the merchant class

Answer: A

Which of the following statements concerning the Holy Roman Emperors after the 10th century is most accurate?

Which of the following statements concerning the Holy Roman Emperors after the 10th century is most accurate?

a. Building on a feudal framework rather than the Carolingian Germanic foundations, the Holy Roman emperors created a strongly centralized government.
b. Discarding much of the former Carolingian Empire, the Holy Roman emperors reestablished a centralized government in northern Italy.
c. They built upon the Carolingian foundations to establish the most centralized government found in the medieval West.
d. Dukedoms and city-states yielded political authority to the Holy Roman Empire throughout western Europe.
e. The rule of the Holy Roman emperors became increasingly hollow, because they did not build a solid monarchy from regional foundations.

Answer: E

Byzantine collapse and Tartar control led to

Byzantine collapse and Tartar control led to

(A) different sects of Christianity in post classical Europe.
(B) Mongols and Turks ruling eastern and southern Europe peacefully for centuries.
(C) Germanic cultural domination in western Europe.
(D) a profound disruption of eastern European social structure.
(E) a long period of anarchic warfare in the former Byzantine Empire.

Answer: D

The first state in Russia arose when

The first state in Russia arose when

(A) nomadic pastoralists established a sedentary Jewish state.
(B) Byzantine missionaries converted Russian farmers.
(C) Scandinavian traders set up a government along their trade route.
(D) Arabs who conquered the area established a province of the Muslim empire.
(E) Catholic influences from western Europe invaded the region.

Answer: C

Unlike the Roman Catholic church, Byzantine Orthodox missionaries

Unlike the Roman Catholic church, Byzantine Orthodox missionaries

(A) were frequently merchants and traded while they preached.
(B) permitted people to use local languages in religious services and literature.
(C) were sent out by the religious, not political, authorities.
(D) never intermarried into the local populations.
(E) rarely established monasteries, hospitals, and convents to further conversions.

Answer: B

Christianity spread to the Balkans and Russia through

Christianity spread to the Balkans and Russia through

(A) mass migration by Greeks to these regions.
(B) forced conversions of the Slavs by the victorious Byzantine armies.
(C) military conquest.
(D) Christian merchants who intermarried and settled amongst non-Christians.
(E) missionary activities.

Answer: E

The schism between the Catholic and Orthodox churches was due to all of these issues EXCEPT:

The schism between the Catholic and Orthodox churches was due to all of these issues EXCEPT:

(A) papal interference in Byzantine political and religious affairs.
(B) clerical celibacy; Catholic priests could not marry but the Orthodox could.
(C) dispute over the type of bread to be used in religious ceremonies.
(D) the Byzantine state controlled the church in the eastern lands.
(E) Muslim influence on the Orthodox branch of Christianity

Answer: E

Although Byzantine society was patriarchal,

Although Byzantine society was patriarchal,

(A) Greek traditions accorded women great freedom and influence.
(B) Roman traditions granted women extensive legal rights.
(C) contacts with Islam led the Byzantines to protect women's rights.
(D) women could inherit the imperial throne.
(E) wars kept men and husbands away from their traditional societal functions.

Answer: D

Under the emperors after Justinian, the chief concern of the Byzantine state was

Under the emperors after Justinian, the chief concern of the Byzantine state was

(A) religious heresy and controversy.
(B) the over taxation of the peasants and frequent peasant rebellions.
(C) the defense against Slavs, Russians, and Arab invaders.
(D) the conversion of the Slavs to Christianity.
(E) the support of the arts, including new building projects such as the Hagia Sophia.

Answer: C

As had Hammurabi's Code (Mesopotamia), Justinian's Code (Byzantine)

As had Hammurabi's Code (Mesopotamia), Justinian's Code (Byzantine)

(A) dealt primarily with church law and religious issues.
(B) became the basic law code for his state, and influenced future law codes.
(C) led to internal disruptions and faced harsh opposition.
(D) greatly influenced the laws of Islam.
(E) deviated sharply from previous legal traditions when it sought to create a new tradition.

Answer: B

Unlike the Romans in the western part of the empire, the eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire

Unlike the Romans in the western part of the empire, the eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire

(A) was never invaded or threatened by pastoral nomads.
(B) recognized the political influence of the Pope and Catholic Church.
(C) continued to use Latin as its chief language until its fall.
(D) became Muslim.
(E) did not succumb to Germanic invasions in the 5th century.

Answer: E

Which of the following statements concerning the merchant class of the Byzantine Empire is the most accurate?

Which of the following statements concerning the merchant class of the Byzantine Empire is the most accurate?

a. Byzantine merchants, because of their wealth, rapidly became the most powerful force in the government of Constantinople and the empire
b. because of its lack of export products, Byzantine commerce was controlled completely by foreign merchants
c. there was a large and wealthy merchant class in the Byzantine Empire, but it never gained significant political power because of the elaborate network of governmental controls
d. by comparison to western Europe, the merchant class was relatively small but was very influential in Byzantine political circles
e. the Byzantine merchant class never recovered from the loss of territories to the Muslims and was not a significant factor within the empire

Answer: C

What were the primary exports of the Byzantine Empire?

What were the primary exports of the Byzantine Empire?

a. cash crops, such as cotton and indigo
b. raw materials, such as metal ores from Asia Minor
c. food products
d. luxury products, such as silk, cloth, and carpets
e. fish products

Answer: D

In which of the following ways were the Byzantine bureaucracy and the Chinese bureaucracy similar?

In which of the following ways were the Byzantine bureaucracy and the Chinese bureaucracy similar?

a. there was no linkage of the bureaucracies to local administration
b. both bureaucracies were open to talented commoners, not just aristocrats
c. emperors played little role in either government
d. they were driven by the authority of the religious authorities
e. there was an extensive state exam system in both

Answer: B

The first king of Kievan Russia was

The first king of Kievan Russia was

a. Yaroslav
b. Vladimir I
c. Basil I
d. Rurik
e. Ivan I

Answer: D

What was the extent of western European influence in Kievan Russia?

What was the extent of western European influence in Kievan Russia?

a. like western Europe, Russia also moved away from the popular veneration of icons and representational images
b. Russia borrowed many customs and artistic forms from both Rome and the Byzantines
c. there was direct Western influence in Russia in both music and art forms
d. Russia's religious culture and social and economic patterns developed separately from western Europe's
e. despite the adoption of Orthodox Christianity, most of the ecclesiastical influences were Roman Catholic

Answer: D

Which of the following statements concerning urbanization within the Byzantine Empire is most correct?

Which of the following statements concerning urbanization within the Byzantine Empire is most correct?

a. Constantinople began to decline in population in the later years of the Byzantine Empire and was surpassed by the growth of other urban centers
b. most people in the Byzantine Empire lasted in five great cities: Constantinople, Nicaea, Smyrna, Rome, and Athens
c. Constantinople controlled the economy and grew to enormous size, but other cities were relatively small
d. like China, the Byzantine Empire was heavily urbanized with many cities numbering more than 100,000
e. Constantinople was never a center of trade, but dominated the empire culturally

Answer: C

What was the difference in the military organization of Byzantine and western Roman empires?

What was the difference in the military organization of Byzantine and western Roman empires?

a. the Byzantine Empire recruited armies from the Middle East
b. the Byzantine Empire depended on the strength of Constantinople's walls and did not recruit an army
c. the Byzantine Empire gave higher status to the infantry than the West did
d. the western Roman Empire depended on citizen soldiers until the 5th century
e. the Byzantine Empire recruited barbarians almost exclusively while the Roman Empire of the West depended on Islamic mercenaries

Answer: A

Which of the following describes a key difference between art in western and eastern Christianity?

Which of the following describes a key difference between art in western and eastern Christianity?

a. art in the Roman church depicts the image of Christ, while Orthodox art does no
b. art in the Roman church emphasizes Christ's suffering, while Orthodox art emphasizes Christ's majesty
c. art in the Roman church depicts only a triumphant Christ, while Orthodox art only depicts Christ's crucifixion
d. art in the Roman church depicts figures from the gospels, while Orthodox art depicts only figures from the Old Testament
e. art in the Roman church depicts Christ and the saints, while Orthodox art portrays only believers

Answer: B

What was the outcome of the Western crusade of 1204?

What was the outcome of the Western crusade of 1204?

a. a new Christian kingdom was established in Jerusalem under the leadership of King Richard
b. the crusades succeeded in temporarily pushing back the Turks and restoring the Asiatic provinces of the Byzantine Empire
c. the Crusade succeeded in establishing a Western kingdom in the Holy Land, but failed to relieve the Asiatic provinces of the Byzantine Empire
d. the crusaders attacked and conquered Constantinople, temporarily establishing a Western kingdom there
e. the Crusade resulted in the establishment of a Western kingdom of Bulgaria in the Balkans

Answer: D

Which of the following statements concerning Byzantine military organization is most accurate?

Which of the following statements concerning Byzantine military organization is most accurate?

a. the Byzantine Empire recruited troops within the empire by granting heritable land in return for military service
b. no outsiders were ever recruited by the Byzantine military but there was wide usage of eunuchs
c. the Byzantine Empire emulated the later Arabic empires by making use of slave armies as a basis for the military force
d. Byzantine soldiers were recruited almost exclusively from people outside the empire
e. military command within the Byzantine Empire remained in the hands of the traditional aristocracy who lived in Constantinople

Answer: A

Which of the following represents a difference between the spread of civilization in eastern and western Europe?

Which of the following represents a difference between the spread of civilization in eastern and western Europe?

a. Eastern Europe retained less fully the culture of the later Roman Empire than did the West
b. centralized government and well-organized bureaucracy was more a feature of western Europe than eastern Europe
c. they produced different versions of Christianity, culturally as well as organizationally separate
d. only the East faced the threat of an Islamic invasion
e. only eastern Europe developed north-south commercial ties

Answer: C

The Byzantine Empire began

The Byzantine Empire began

a. in the 9th century CE, with the missionary work of Cyril and Methodius
b. in the 11th century CE, with the first Crusades
c. in the 5th century CE, with the fall of Rome
d. in the 1st century CE, during the reign of Augustus
e. in the 4th century CE, with the building of Constantinople

Answer: E

Which of the following was a result of the conflict between the Byzantine Empire and the Arab Muslims?

Which of the following was a result of the conflict between the Byzantine Empire and the Arab Muslims?

a. the Arab threat to the Byzantine Empire was permanently removed
b. the Byzantines made an alliance with Kievan Rus, which led to greater cooperation between the two empires
c. the commercial significance of Constantinople was destroyed by the 8th century, forcing the Byzantine Empire to depend increasingly on trade with the West
d. the Byzantine Empire was able to recover the provinces of Syria and Egypt, thus regaining valuable agricultural land and increased wealth
e. the position of small farmers in the empire was weakened as a result of heavy taxation, resulting in greater aristocratic estates

Answer: E

Which of the following issues was a cause for the split between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches after 1054?

Which of the following issues was a cause for the split between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches after 1054?

a. the absence of monasticism in Roman Catholicism
b. the Roman Catholic practice of requiring celibacy for its priests
c. the insistence of the patriarch of Constantinople on supremacy within church councils
d. the Orthodox church's lack of bishops
e. polygamy among Orthodox priests

Answer: B

Which of the following conclusion that might be drawn about the Byzantine Empire as the result of its conflicts with its neighbors is most true?

Which of the following conclusion that might be drawn about the Byzantine Empire as the result of its conflicts with its neighbors is most true?

a. the wars with Islamic powers demonstrate the inherent weakness of the Byzantine military
b. the outcomes of wars demonstrate that by the 10th century the empire was completely decadent and incapable of defending itself
c. the Byzantine Empire continued to lose tax revenues through loss of territory in the Balkans
d. despite all of its difficulties, its wars with its neighbors demonstrate that the empire had real core strength
e. the role of Theodora and other women in the wars demonstrate that the intrusion of women into Byzantine politics was highly destructive

Answer: D

Which of the following statements concerning the Tatar invasion of Russia is most accurate?

Which of the following statements concerning the Tatar invasion of Russia is most accurate?

a. the Tatars rapidly devised a closely supervised local administration for the Russian cities
b. Tatar supervision did not destroy Russian Christianity or a native Russian aristocracy
c. the Tatars used Russia as a springboard for the successful invasion of western Europe
d. Tatar control of Russia lasted for four decades
e. Russia became a Mongol possession permanently

Answer: B

What was NOT an art form utilized in Byzantine culture?

What was NOT an art form utilized in Byzantine culture?

a. mosaic forms of religious painting
b. pyramid style tombs
c. domed buildings
d. icon paintings
e. secular tradition of Hellenism

Answer: B

The significance of the Byzantine Empire included all of the following EXCEPT

The significance of the Byzantine Empire included all of the following EXCEPT

a. the empire's conquest of the Ottoman Empire and its inclusion of all the Middle East
b. the ability of the empire to spread its cultural and political influence to the Balkans and southern Russia
c. the importance of the empire's capital at Constantinople as a major urban center
d. the empire's ability to survive for almost a thousand years
e. its development of Orthodox Christianity, which broke off from Rome in 1054

Answer: A

All of the following were outcomes of Justinian's wars of reconquest EXCEPT

All of the following were outcomes of Justinian's wars of reconquest EXCEPT

a. weakening of the empire's defenses in its eastern frontiers
b. short-lived military successes in northern Africa and Italy
c. establishments of temporary capital at the key artistic center at Ravenna
d. the permanent addition of Rome to the Byzantine Empire
e. increased tax pressures on the government

Answer: D

Which of the following was NOT strength of Byzantine cultural life?

Which of the following was NOT strength of Byzantine cultural life?

a. Richly colored mosaics
b. Domed buildings adapted from the Roman style of architecture
c. A certain amount of diversity
d. Painted icons
e. Innovative literary forms

Answer: E

Which of the following does NOT represent a similarity between the spread of civilization in eastern and western Europe?

Which of the following does NOT represent a similarity between the spread of civilization in eastern and western Europe?

a. Civilization spread northward from a Mediterranean base
b. Animism gave way to monotheism
c. Christianity was spread in both cases
d. In both cases newly civilized areas looked back to the Greco-Roman past
e. Northern kingdoms dominated both areas

Answer: E

Why did Vladimir 1 prefer Orthodox Christianity to Roman Catholicism?

Why did Vladimir 1 prefer Orthodox Christianity to Roman Catholicism?

a. He believed that Roman Catholicism implied papal interference, while Orthodoxy embraced the control of the church by the state
b. He did not believe in clerical celibacy, which was required of the Roman Catholic priesthood
c. He was not familiar with Roman Catholicism, because the Western form of Christianity had not penetrated into eastern Europe
d. He preferred to avoid the pitfalls of the veneration of icons
e. He rejected the Roman Catholics' emphasis on the sacraments and the use of the trinity

Answer: A

Which of the following statements concerning the Byzantine bureaucracy is NOT accurate?

Which of the following statements concerning the Byzantine bureaucracy is NOT accurate?

a. Bureaucrats had limited education and ability
b. Provincial governors kept tabs on the military
c. Many of the officials closest to the emperor were eunuchs
d. An elaborate system of spies maintained loyalty to the central government
e. Aristocrats predominated, but there was some openness to talent

Answer: A

The slave trade from west Africa to the Muslim world

The slave trade from west Africa to the Muslim world

(A) was abolished once the inhabitants converted to Islam.
(B) existed before the arrival of Islam but was expanded over the centuries.
(C) was introduced by the Muslims.
(D) rivaled the trans-Atlantic slave trade in numbers and brutality.
(E) preferred male slaves for administration and military occupations.

Answer: B

After the arrival of Islam, societies in west Africa

After the arrival of Islam, societies in west Africa

(A) became largely patrilineal.
(B) implemented Islamic law regarding the seclusion of women.
(C) often continued to recognize traditions granting women extensive rights.
(D) abandoned the tradition of polygamy.
(E) abolished slavery.

Answer: C

Islam was spread through west and east Africa as well as southeast Asia by

Islam was spread through west and east Africa as well as southeast Asia by

(A) jihad or holy war.
(B) mass conversions ordered by the rulers and monarchs.
(C) wandering Sufi mystics.
(D) merchants who established Muslim families and traditions.
(E) migration to the areas by large groups of Muslims.

Answer: D

A common concern for west African Muslim jurists and clerics was

A common concern for west African Muslim jurists and clerics was

(A) the persistence of pagan beliefs and practices among its population.
(B) control of the trans-Saharan trade.
(C) influence of Christianity on west Africans.
(D) the practice of polygamy by many African families.
(E) the puritanical nature of west African society

Answer: A

Islam in west Africa

Islam in west Africa

(A) was popular with most elements of society.
(B) converted the kings and elites first without necessarily affecting the masses.
(C) interested merchants alone.
(D) confronted an entrenched Christian religion, which resisted conversion.
(E) had little lasting effect on the area.

Answer: B